Chapman, G.W., Alexander, A.S., Chance, F.S., Hasselmo, M.E. (2024). Self-Supervised Mapping and Localization by Predictive Learning. International Conference on Neuromorphic Systems (ICONS). 193-200. link
Alexander, A.S. (2023). Spatial Navigation: A touch in the dark. Current Biology. 33 (22), R1195-R1197. link
Kim, S.J., Affan, R.O., Frostig, H., Scott, B.B., Alexander, A.S. (2023). Advances in cellular resolution microscopy for brain imaging in rats. Neurophotonics. 10 (4), 044304-044304. link
Lian, Y., Williams, S., Alexander, A.S., Hasselmo, M.E., Burkitt, A.N. (2023). Learning the Vector Coding of Egocentric Boundary Cells from Visual Data. Journal of Neuroscience. link
Alexander, A.S., Robinson, J.C., Stern, C.E., Hasselmo, M.E. (2023). Gated transformations from egocentric to allocentric reference frames involving retrosplenial cortex, entorhinal cortex, and hippocampus. Hippocampus. link
Alexander, A.S., Place, R., Starrett, M.J., Chrastil, E.R., Nitz, D.A. (2022). Rethinking retrosplenial cortex: Perspective and predictions. Neuron. 10.1016/j.neuron.2022.11.006. link
Alexander, A.S., Tung, J.C., Chapman, G.W., Shelley, L.E., Hasselmo, M.E., Nitz, D.A. (2022). Adaptive integration of self-motion and goals in posterior parietal cortex. Cell Reports, 38(10), 110504. link
Carstensen, L. C., Alexander, A. S., Chapman G W., Lee A.J., Hasselmo, M. E. (2021). Neural responses in retrosplenial cortex associated with environmental alterations., iScience, 24(11), 103377. link
Alexander, A. S., Carstensen, L. C., Hinman, J. R., Raudies, F, Chapman G W., Hasselmo, M. E. (2020). Egocentric boundary vector tuning of the retrosplenial cortex., Science Advances, 6(8). link
Alexander, A.S., Robinson, J.C., Dannenberg, H., Kinsky, N.R., Levy, S.J., Mau, W., Chapman, G.W., Sullivan, D., Hasselmo, M.E. Neurophysiological coding of space and time in the hippocampus, entorhinal cortex and retrosplenial cortex. (2020). Brain and Neuroscience Advances. link
Hasselmo, M.E., Alexander, A.S., Hoyland, A., Robinson, J.C., Bezaire, M.J., Chapman, G.W., Saudargiene, A., Carstensen, L.C., Dannenberg, H. (2020). The Unexplored Territory of Neural Models: Potential Guides for Exploring the Function of Metabotropic Neuromodulation. Neuroscience. link
Hasselmo, M.E., Alexander, A.S., Dannenberg, H., Newman, E.L. (2020). Overview of computational models of hippocampus and related structures: Introduction to the special issue. Hippocampus, 30(4), 295-301. link
Dannenberg, H, Alexander, A. S., Robinson, J. C., Hasselmo, M. E. (2019). The Role of Hierarchical Dynamical Functions in Coding for Episodic Memory and Cognition. J. Cognitive Neuro. 31 (9), 1271-1289. link
Alexander, A. S., Rangel, L. M., Tingley, D., & Nitz, D. A. (2018). Neurophysiological signatures of temporal coordination between retrosplenial cortex and the hippocampal formation. Behavioral neuroscience, 132(5), 453-468. link
Tingley, D., Alexander, A. S., Quinn, L. K., Chiba, A. A., & Nitz, D. (2018). Multiplexed oscillations and phase rate coding in the basal forebrain. Science advances, 4(8). link
Rounds E.L., Alexander, A.S., Nitz, D.A., Krichmar, J.L. (2018) Conjunctive Coding in an Evolved Spiking Model of Retrosplenial Cortex. Behavioral Neuroscience, 132(5), 430. link
Alexander, A. S., & Hasselmo, M. E. (2018). Navigation: Shedding light on stellate cells. eLife, 7, e41041. link
Hinman, J. R., Dannenberg, H., Alexander, A. S., & Hasselmo, M. E. (2018). Neural mechanisms of navigation involving interactions of cortical and subcortical structures. Journal of neurophysiology, 119(6), 2007-2029. link
Alexander, A.S., & Shelley, L.E. (2018). Sleep-Stage-Dependent Hippocampal Coordination with Cingulate and Retrosplenial Association Cortices. Journal of Neuroscience., 38(3), 512-514; link
Alexander, A. S., & Nitz, D. A. (2017). Spatially periodic activation patterns of retrosplenial cortex encode route sub-spaces and distance traveled. Current Biology, 27(11), 1551-1560. link
Rounds, E.L., Scott, E.O., Alexander, A.S., De Jong, K.A., Nitz, D.A., Krichmar, J.L. (2016). An evolutionary framework for replicating neurophysiological data and spiking neural networks. International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature, 537-547. link
Alexander, A. S., & Nitz, D. A. (2015). Retrosplenial cortex maps the conjunction of internal and external spaces. Nature Neuroscience, 18(8), 1143-1151. link
Tingley, D., Alexander, A. S., Quinn, L. K., Chiba, A. A., & Nitz, D. A. (2015). Cell Assemblies of the Basal Forebrain. J. Neuroscience, 35(7), 2992-3000. link
Tingley, D., Alexander, A. S., Kolbu, S., de Sa, V. R., Chiba, A. A., & Nitz, D. A. (2014). Task-phase-specific dynamics of basal forebrain neuronal ensembles. Front. Sys. Neuro., 8. link
Rangel, L. M., Alexander, A. S., Aimone, J. B., Wiles, J., Gage, F. H., Chiba, A. A., & Quinn, L. K. (2014). Temporally selective contextual encoding in the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus. Nature Comm., 5. link
Minces, V. H., Alexander, A. S., Datlow, M., Alfonso, S. I., & Chiba, A. A. (2013). The role of visual cortex acetylcholine in learning to discriminate temporally modulated visual stimuli. Front. Behav. Neuro., 7. link
Preprints/ In Review
Fearey, B., Tong, Y., Alexander, A.S., Graham, B., Howe, M. (2024). Dynamic imbalances in cell-type specific striatal ensemble activity during visually guided locomotion. Biorxiv. link
Sheehan, D.J., Fordyce, B.A. Alexander, A.S., Hasselmo, M.E., (2021). The Hippocampal Representation of Space is Modulated by the Availability of Visual Information. (In revision).